Should the potential benefits of implementing Responsive Design in IE8 be taken into account in 2013?

It seems that there are still questions lingering about how to make responsive design compatible with outdated browsers like IE8 or even the dreaded IE7.

Personally, I question the need for implementing responsive design specifically for IE8, considering the minimal number of mobile devices still utilizing this browser. It may be more practical to stick with static 1024x768 designs for IE8 users, since the effort required for responsive design may not be justified when over 95% of IE8 usage is on desktops with larger screen widths.

If there is a substantial enough audience using IE8 on mobile devices, then perhaps it would be worthwhile to explore a responsive design approach for them. If so, please feel free to share any helpful resources or links.

PS: This discussion assumes standard mode only, and excludes considerations for compatibility view or quirk mode in IE.

Answer №1

Upon thorough investigation, I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to answer my own question with some pertinent statistics that align with my original inquiry:

Based on my research, there seems to be no active usage of IE8 on tablets or mobile phones. Even early Windows Phones utilize the IE9 engine, indicating that 'smart' mobile devices do not commonly use IE8.

According to data from w3counter, statcounter, and analytics gathered from three client sites, the browser share of IE8 in March 2013, specifically focusing on US sites, hovers between 5% and 11%, averaging at about 8%.

The percentage of IE8 users with screen resolutions of 800x600 pixels or lower today, based on observations from the aforementioned US sites, ranges from 0.6% to 1% of the total IE8 user base. This trend coincides with Jakob Nielsen's findings from last year, suggesting that smaller screens for desktop and laptop computers are becoming increasingly uncommon, dropping to levels as low as 1%:

Currently, the expected average for overall IE8 users with a screen size of 800x600 or lower stands at approximately 0.05%, with a maximum of 0.1% if we include IE7; this is lower than the overall IE6 usage in the US, which sits at 0.2%, according to

Therefore, the necessity for responsive design compatibility below IE9, catering to IE7 and IE8 users, only holds merit if it can be implemented without significant effort. If incorporating a media queries polyfill or utilizing Bootstrap enables seamless functionality, then it is beneficial. However, investing excessive time in resolving numerous potential bugs (as evident in a Google search for "bootstrap ie8") is futile, much like the diminishing importance of ensuring full IE6 compatibility.

For now, ensuring that the site functions adequately in IE8 with a fixed design—instead of struggling to make it responsive for IE8/IE7—suffices as an appropriate course of action.

Answer №2

There is a slim chance that some laptops with small displays are still out there running Windows XP and using outdated versions of Internet Explorer like IE7 or IE8. One way to address the issue of getting media queries to function properly in these old browsers is by utilizing a polyfill called css3-mediaqueries.js. This tool allows media queries to work across all browsers, including those that do not natively support them. To integrate css3-mediaqueries.js into your website, you can use conditional comments.

Answer №3

Short answer: It all depends on your specific needs

Long answer: After researching responsive design extensively and delving into the recommended books mentioned in the comments, my interpretation leads me to believe that responsive design goes beyond just catering to mobile devices. It is more about adapting your webpage to suit whatever device your user is utilizing to access it. Considerations for accessibility, such as catering to visually impaired individuals, are vital components of responsive web design, despite not necessarily being CSS-related. The extent to which we should adapt for responsive websites remains a subjective matter. A good starting point for a new responsive website would be crafting a page that functions on the lowest resolution and feature set you intend to support. For example, aiming for compatibility with IE8 on a 320x240 screen poses its challenges - raising the question of whether designing for such limitations is still relevant in today's age. Depending on the nature of your webpage, the feature set could range from basic text-only display (an homage to old-school internet days) to elaborate html5 video presentations that necessitate cutting-edge browser capabilities like clip-path support. The consideration of varying connection speeds further complicates the equation and underscores the importance of backend responsiveness. Responsive design transcends frontend aesthetics, extending its reach to backend functionalities like ensuring plain text delivery in the absence of valid http headers, as exemplified by an uber-nerd fan blog operating under minimalistic technical constraints. In conclusion, responsive design hinges on understanding your user base and tailoring your approach based on their unique requirements.

This insight is intended not as a direct response to the original query but rather as guidance for future site visitors.

@chriz "even though responsive design really aims for mobile devices." - I beg to differ; my recent experience tweaking css for high-resolution smart TVs attests to the diversity of devices falling within the responsive design spectrum. Embracing a mobile-first philosophy and progressively enhancing features as screen real estate expands epitomizes current best practices. Responsive design functions as a solution to the frustration users face when attempting to navigate desktop-oriented pages on smaller screens, ultimately striving to offer seamless user experiences across all platforms.

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