Issue encountered when submitting form: Error identified as "Unexpected string expression without template curly in string"

As a novice in React.js, I am facing an issue where setState is not functioning properly when submitting a form. Any suggestions on how to resolve this problem?

> class  Home extends Component{ constructor(props){
    >     super(props)
    >     this.state = {
    >         username:'',
    >         email:'',
    >         message:''
    >     } }
    > handleUsernameChange = (event) => { //event as parameter to capture
    > value
    >     this.setState({
    >         username:
    >     }) } handleEmailChange = (event) => { //event as parameter to capture value
    >     this.setState({
    >         email:
    >     }) } handleMessageChange = (event) => { //event as parameter to capture value
    >     this.setState({
    >         message:
    >     }) }
    > handleSubmit = (event) =>{
    >     alert('${this.state.username} ${} ${this.state.message}')
    >     event.preventDefault() }

Answer №1

To properly format your code, it's recommended to replace single quotes with backticks when needed.

alert(`${this.state.username} ${} ${this.state.message}`);

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