Ways to eliminate unused classes from JQuery UI

We have successfully implemented JQuery UI library for enhancing our interface. However, since we no longer need to support outdated browsers like IE6, classes such as

.ui-corner-all, .ui-corner-top, .ui-corner-left, .ui-corner-tl
are unnecessary and cluttering the code. Is there a way to instruct JQuery UI not to include these classes? While it's possible to manually remove the styles, it would be more efficient to prevent them from being added in the first place.

Answer №1

Here is a useful method to accomplish this task.

The jquery ui widgets trigger a 'create' event that occurs between the _create() and _init() methods:

this._trigger( "create" );

This event originates from the base object Widget, making it accessible for all implementing widgets.

The classes like 'ui-corner-xxx' are usually generated in the '_create()' method, so you can associate an event handler with the 'create' option of the widgets to eliminate those classes. A sample code snippet could be:

var classesToRemove = ['ui-corner-all', 'ui-corner-top',
    'ui-corner-bottom', 'ui-corner-right', 'ui-corner-left',
    'ui-corner-tl', 'ui-corner-tr', 'ui-corner-bl', 'ui-corner-br'];

var removeClassesCreateHandler = function(event, ui) {
    var that = this;
    $.each(classesToRemove, function(idx, val) {
        $('.' + val, that).removeClass(val);

    create: removeClassesCreateHandler

An illustration of this concept can be found on jsfiddle.

Exploring the create event of jQuery UI Widgets

It is essential to understand that not all jQuery ui widgets utilize the Widget Factory (although it is achievable through the aforementioned solution).

Therefore, even though the documentation includes a create option, it may not always be present.

For example, the Datepicker widget does not currently implement the Widget Factory as it still relies on older code (although plans for refactoring are underway).

Answer №2

After utilizing the Dust-Me selectors tool, I was able to effectively eliminate unnecessary CSS from my project. This tool proved to be extremely helpful in removing unused styles and optimizing my code.

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