The issue regarding the fixed table layout bug in Firefox

Upon testing Firefox 5, it has come to my notice that an additional pixel of space is being added between the right column and the table border due to this particular piece of code:

<style type="text/css">
    table {
        border:  1px solid red;
        width: 805px;
        margin: auto;
        table-layout: fixed;

    td {
        border: 1px solid green;

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

I have included screenshots from both Firefox and Chrome browsers for comparison. Pay attention to the right side to observe the discrepancy.

Removing any specifications related to widths, margins, or table layout resolves this issue. Are there any alternate solutions available to fix this bug?

Answer №1

Gecko's default setting for tables is to use border-box box-sizing, meaning a table that is 805px wide includes the borders in its width calculation. With 803px left to be divided among 7 cells, each cell ends up being approximately 114 units wide with a remainder of 5.

Gecko employs subpixel positioning and treats widths as integer quantities in 1/60 pixel increments. This results in each cell's width being around 42.857 units, which is then truncated to 42 units. The total width of each column in the table is calculated to be 6882 units, equal to 114*60+42.

This leads to an error where the sum of the column widths falls short by about 0.1px due to the fractional remainders not being accounted for precisely.

The reason why this discrepancy results in a visible seam is unclear. One might expect rounding to the nearest pixel during painting to conceal any inconsistencies...

Answer №2

It appears that the issue may be related to the way sub-pixel values are rounded in CSS, as discussed in this blog post:

By setting the width of the table to 806px, the problem seems to be resolved. You can see an example here:

It would be helpful if someone with more expertise could determine whether this is a Firefox bug or not.

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