Ways to stylize bullet points in lists with CSS in HTML document

I am currently working on a Q&A page using simple HTML.

This is the current appearance of my page. Check it out here on JSFIDDLE.

My task involves adding an 'A' to the answer for each question. Some answers have multiple paragraphs, so the 'A' should only be added to the first paragraph and aligned similar to the 'Q.'

You can see an example of this format by visiting this Link.

Here is the HTML structure:

<h4>Frequently Asked Questions </h4>
<div >
        <li style="color: blue">
            Question heading 1
            <p style="color: #000000">
              answer para  1
            <p style="color: #000000">
               answer para 2

        <li style="color: blue">
           Question heading 2
            <p style="color: #000000">
              answer para  1

        <li style="color: blue">
            Question heading 3
            <p style="color: #000000">
                answer para  1

        <li style="color: blue">
            Question heading 4
           <p style="color: #000000">
              answer para  1

This is the CSS styling applied:

<style type="text/css">
    ol {
        margin-left: 0;
        padding-left: 0;
    li {
        display: block;
        margin-bottom: .5em;
        margin-left: 0em;
    li:before {
        display: inline-block;
        content: "Q:";
        width: 2em;
        margin-left: -2em;

Answer №1

Implemented modifications to the code. You can view the revised CSS on this JSFIDDLE link

Answer №2

 ul li:first-child::before {
        display: inline-block;
        content: "Q:";
        width: 2em;
        margin-left: -2em;

apply the following style to your list items

Answer №3

I decided to enhance the readability of each answer by adding an 'A' before the first paragraph, just for my own satisfaction :)

A great practice is to eliminate inline styles and utilize external CSS for styling both questions and answers.

Snippet of HTML code:

<h4>Frequently Asked Questions </h4>
        <li>Question heading 1
         <p>answer paragraph 1</p>
         <p>answer paragraph 2</p>

        <li>Question heading 2
          <p>answer paragraph 3</p>

        <li>Question heading 3
          <p>answer paragraph 4</p>


CSS stylings:

    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 12px;
ol {
    margin-left: 0;
    padding-left: 0;
li {
    display: block;
    margin-bottom: .5em;
    margin-left: 0em;
    color: #626F74;
    font-weight: bold;
li:before {
    display: inline-block;
    content: "Q:";
    width: 2em;
    margin-left: -2em;
li p{
    color: #000;
li p:first-child:before {
    display: inline-block;
    content: "A:";
    width: 2em;
    margin-left: -2em;

Link to Updated JSFIDDLE

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