What is the best way to showcase a full-screen overlay directly inside an iFrame?

As I work in HTML, I'm faced with a challenge - my iFrame is only taking up a small section of the screen (referred to as 'World' in the example below).

What I want to achieve is creating a full-screen div overlay from that iFrame, but currently, the overlay is only wrapping around the iFrame and not extending to cover the entire screen. How can I adjust the code so that the div actually covers the full screen?

Code Example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<table width=100% style='border:1px solid black;'>
    <tr><td style='border:1px solid black;' width=50%>Hello</td><td style='border:1px solid black;' width=50%>
        <iframe src=test2.htm>


<!DOCTYPE html>
    .BigPhoto {
        display: block;
        z-index: 100;
        background-color: red;
        position: fixed;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
    <div class=BigPhoto>World</div>

The expected result should have the red overlay covering the entire screen:

Answer №1

Simply put, it is impossible to change the border of an Iframe as it serves as a fixed boundary for all elements within.

One potential solution could be adjusting the Iframe's dimensions in real-time using JavaScript to achieve full height and width.

Answer №2

Success! I have discovered a solution. Using javascript, elevate the visibility of the div:

 var MyDiv = document.getElementById('MyDiv');
 var topFrame=parent.document.getElementById('top');

 topFrame.insertBefore(MyDiv, parent.document.getElementById('wrap_all'));

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