Modify th:hover in CSS to alter the background color

I currently have a table structured as follows:

     <table class="cedvel">
                    <th id="thAfield1" class="field1,asc">
                        <span>field1</span><span id="spanAfield1" class="spanAscDesc">↑↓</span>
                    <th id="thfild2" class="field2,asc">
                        <span>field2</span> <span id="spanfield2" class="spanAscDesc">↑↓</span>
                <%if (Model.<----->.Count() > 0)
                      foreach (var abonent in Model.<---->)
     <tr class="noData">
                    <td colspan="11">
                        no info
                <% }%>

My goal is to change the background color when hovering over th elements. I attempted to do so with CSS but was unable to achieve the desired effect. However, changing the background color on hover for tr elements worked perfectly.

table.cedvel th {
    background-color: #c3dde0;
    background-image: url(../Content/SiteImages/1.png);
    border-width: 1px;
    padding: 8px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #a9c6c9;
table.cedvel th:hover {
    background-color: Red;

My issue arose when attempting to set background-image to none during hover. The problem was that while the background color changed successfully, my image remained hidden.

Answer №2

table.cedvel th {
    background-color: #c3dde0;
    background-image: url(../Content/SiteImages/1.png);

table.cedvel th:hover {
    background-color: red;
    background-image: none;

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