Checkbox failing to trigger

Check out my code snippet here:

I'm facing an issue with the checkbox in this code. It seems to be stuck at a false value and I can't get it to change. Is there a way to work with the "input" tag instead of removing it completely?

<div class="toggler">
        <input class="toggler-checkbox" data-val="true" data-val-required="The isOK field is required." id="isOK" name="isOK" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="isOK" type="hidden" value="false" />
        <label class="toggler-label" for="mytoggler">
            <span class="toggler-inner"></span>
            <span class="toggler-switch"></span>

Answer №1

You are experiencing issues with the adjacent sibling selector due to a hidden input being placed after the checkbox and before the label in your HTML code. To resolve this, consider reorganizing your HTML as follows:

<input name="isOK" type="hidden" value="false" />
<input class="toggler-checkbox" data-val="true" data-val-required="The isOK field is required." id="isOK" name="isOK" type="checkbox" checked />

It's also advisable not to use the same name attribute for both the checkbox and hidden input. Additionally, utilize the checked attribute instead of value="true" if you want the checkbox pre-checked by default.

Furthermore, ensure that your label is correctly associated with the checkbox by adjusting the for attribute to match the ID of your checkbox:

<label class="toggler-label" for="isOK">

If moving or deleting the hidden input isn't feasible, you can still access the label by updating your CSS styles accordingly:

.toggler-checkbox:checked + input + .toggler-label .toggler-inner {
    margin-left: 0;
.toggler-checkbox:checked + input + .toggler-label .toggler-switch {
    right: 0px; 

Check out this working fiddle

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