In order to design a v-btn-toggle with vertically aligned buttons, rather than horizontally

I'm currently in the process of developing a quiz using VueJS and Vuetify. My challenge lies in organizing the answer options vertically for the user to select. I attempted to utilize the v-btn-toggle component, but encountered an issue where the buttons are aligned horizontally by default. Is there a way to set them up vertically instead?

Here's how my layout looks:

<v-btn-toggle v-model="toggle_multiple" multiple>
         Answer 1
         Answer 2
         Answer 3
        Answer 4

As suggested in this discussion, I tried styling it this way:

    flex-direction: column;

The attempted solution resulted in an unexpected outcome, where only the first two answers were displayed partially as shown here: example image

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I've identified that the issue stems from Vuetify's preset CSS styles, particularly limiting the button height to 48 pixels with the following code:

.v-btn-group--density-default.v-btn-group {
  height: 48px;
This restriction is hindering me from creating button groups taller than 48 pixels. I am hesitant to alter Vuetify's defaults due to compatibility concerns. Instead, I am exploring ways to override the default CSS without success so far, as illustrated in this screenshot.

Answer №1

It was discovered by the original poster that Vuetify comes with a default height of 48 pixels.
After verifying that everything operated correctly in terms of flexbox, it was determined that the issue could be resolved by locally overriding the default values using CSS specificity.

The OP successfully targeted the specific button by using

#my-button-group {
  height: auto;

Alternatively, another option is to utilize


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