Elements floating in space, stretching across the entire width

In my design, I have a fixed size layout with a centered content container.

My goal is to have the menu (home, about, contact, login) span 100% of the screen width.

You can view the current setup in this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Hxhc5/1/

I am aiming for the desired result which involves creating a 100% width container for the menus and centering them. However, my attempts so far have been unsuccessful as the layout becomes relative and changes with window size.

Answer №1

Enhance the appearance of the menu by wrapping an additional div around it with a grey background, eliminating excess padding, and changing the menu background to white:

Click here for example

An issue arises when trying to maintain spacing between the menu and the right column. A simple and effective solution is to use a mock image with an open middle section as a background. This eliminates the need for extra markup, CSS, or JavaScript, and if implemented correctly, works seamlessly:

View demonstration here

If you wish to apply this technique to your development site, ensure that the menu has a fixed height (while allowing other elements to remain flexible) due to the type of opacity being used. The same background method can be applied to achieve the desired effect.

Answer №2

Have you considered utilizing a fullscreen background image instead?

Answer №3

To incorporate the menu content into a separate div, simply create a new div and apply the styles width: 500px and margin: auto;, then adjust the menu width to 100%. You can view the updated example on jsFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/Hxhc5/2/

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