My initial junior UI/UX assignment: Can you confirm whether this form modal dialog is pixel-perfect, and offer any suggestions for improvements

Currently diving into my first project as a Junior UX/UI Designer. Coming from a background in software engineering, I decided to challenge myself by focusing on design.

I'm seeking feedback on the pixel perfection of this modal window, which my senior has described as being precise down to every pixel.

Although I am new to using Photoshop, I've been utilizing the info tool to ensure accurate pixel measurements. I feel fairly confident in the calculations I have made so far.

As a beginner in this field, I am open to providing any additional information such as pixel measurements that could be helpful in assessing the work.

If anyone has suggestions for improvements or enhancements, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared them.

Thank you!

Default Rendering (picture link)

Basic Rendering (picture link)

The Modal Form (picture link)

Answer №1

Enhance your design accuracy by using this chrome extension to compare it with the picture mockup.

Get Pixel Perfect Extension

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Answer №2

Unfortunately, my reputation isn't high enough to leave a comment yet.. :(

I must say, your design is quite impressive! I really enjoyed it!

However, here are some suggestions you could consider trying out:

  • When inputting text, the field label tends to disappear. It might be beneficial to include labels for each field, even when text is typed.
  • You can extend the separator all the way down to the bottom of the height and weight, with a blank space at the bottom containing just the buttons (in this case, only one button).
  • Similarly, starting the line between the fields and leaving the title clear could be more visually appealing.
  • If possible, adding icons for social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter would be a nice touch! :)
  • Consider aligning the "Height" label to the left and aligning the value to the right. This may enhance the visual appeal, especially since "Weight" is a different size.

Answer №3

In my opinion, providing authoritative answers in the field of UX is rare. It's important to consider both graphic design and HTML implementation when creating mockups. Accessibility should not be forgotten in coding forms, such as including hidden labels for screen readers even if you want them aesthetically hidden. Using placeholders as labels is not ideal - labels should serve their intended purpose while placeholders can provide example values or instructions.

  1. For shorter lists with common choices, radio buttons or checkboxes are preferable. This includes the gender selection list, where using two radio buttons for Male and Female may be more user-friendly.

  2. Short sliders with fine-grained values can be challenging, especially when considering accessibility. It's important to ensure smooth sliding for each value change to avoid frustrating users.

The minimalist look of the design is appealing overall. It's essential to prioritize what will benefit the client and end-users the most in terms of positive user experience, despite potential differing opinions from others.

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