Is it possible to use jquery to specifically target classes?

I am trying to achieve the following:

$('.class.img').css('cellpadding', variable);

However, this code does not seem to be working as expected. Despite searching online, I have not been able to find a solution. Any assistance on how to apply this code to an image within the specified class would be greatly appreciated.

Answer ā„–1

When using CSS, the styling properties are applied inline with style="...", rather than modifying the .class itself.

$('.class').css doesn't have any effect.

$('.class').css('color','red') sets a color style.

$('.class').css('color') reads the color style.

To target img elements within an element with class "cellBox":

var borderx = "1px solid red";
$('.cellbox img').css('border', borderx);

(You can set other styles like padding in the same way.)

See a working example at

(Note that jQuery's documentation states that shorthand properties like padding or border may not be fully supported; this mainly applies to retrieving properties, while setting them [like above] typically works due to browser implementations.)

Answer ā„–2

Using jQuery selector engine is effective when working with class selectors.

The main issue evident here (although there could be other issues, depending on the document structure or timing of the statement execution) is that the css function needs to be called in order to work properly (for example, css('foo')).

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