Switch up the current Slick Carousel display by utilizing a div element

We have implemented the slick carousel to show only one slide at a time within the

<div class='item__wrapper'>
. Beneath this are three items, and we want the slick carousel to update when any of these items are clicked.


  1. Using item__boxes as a slick carousel causes styling conflicts, preventing us from using $('.item__boxes).slick({});
  2. Clicking on any item in item__boxes always sets the item__wrapper to slide 3


  • How can we configure the item__boxes so that clicking on an item aligns with our intended outcomes? For example, clicking on the second item should set the item__wrapper to the second slide.

Goal/Expected Results:

  1. Clicking on the first item should make the first slide active in item__wrapper
  2. Clicking on the second item should activate the second slide in item__wrapper
  3. Clicking on the third item should display the third slide as active in item__wrapper
  4. Achieve goals 1-3 without utilizing $('.item__boxes).slick({});



          infinite: true,
          speed: 1500,
          dots: false,
          prevArrow: false,
          nextArrow: false

$('.item__boxes').on('click', function() {

var slickIndex = $(this).attr('data-slick-index');
$('.item__wrapper').slick('slickGoTo', slickIndex);
.filter {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  padding: 45px;
  margin-right: -45px;
.item {
  display: none;
  position: relative;
.item.active {
  display: block;
.item1 {
  background-image: url("https://placeimg.com/1000/480/nature");
.item2 {
  background-image: url("https://placeimg.com/640/480/arch");
.item3 {
  background-image: url("https://placeimg.com/640/480/tech");
.item__wrapper {
  max-width: 60%;
  position: relative;
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-color: rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.5);
.item__img img {
  top: 0px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100% !important;
  opacity: 0.5;
.item__text {
  top: 0px;
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100%;
  line-height: 1.4;
  padding-right: 70px;
  z-index: 5;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: top;
  justify-content: center;
.item__boxes {
  display: flex;
  position: relative;
  opacity: 0.9;
.item__boxes > div {
  border: 1px solid;
.col-padding {
  padding: 16px 16px 5px 16px;
.col-m-12 {
  width: 100%;
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
  .col-t-6 {
    width: 50%;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.9.0/slick.min.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.9.0/slick-theme.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.9.0/slick.min.js"></script>

<div class="item__wrapper">
   <div class="item active" id='item1'>
<div class="item__text">
<div class="filter">
<h3>Some title 1</h3>
<p>Efficiently communicate sticky quality vectors after compelling growth strategies. Compellingly scale future-proof content rather than enterprise users. Uniquely build scalable applications vis-a-vis performance based functionalities. Monotonectally procrastinate.</p>
  <div class="item active" id="item2" >
        <div class="item__text">
<div class="filter">
<h3>Some title 2</h3>
<p>Efficiently communicate sticky quality vectors after compelling growth strategies. Compellingly scale future-proof content rather than enterprise users. Uniquely build scalable applications vis-a-vis performance based functionalities. Monotonectally procrastinate.</p>
  <div class="item active"  id="item3" >
        <div class="item__text">
<div class="filter">
<h3>Some title 3</h3>
<p>Efficiently communicate sticky quality vectors after compelling growth strategies. Compellingly scale future-proof content rather than enterprise users. Uniquely build scalable applications vis-a-vis performance based functionalities. Monotonectally procrastinate.</p>

<div class="item__boxes">
     <div class="box col-m-12 col-t-6 col-padding" data-slick-index="-1">
<div>Some Title</div>
<div>Enthusiastically incubate diverse initiatives without multifunctional strategic theme areas.</div>
<div class="box col-m-12 col-t-6 col-padding" data-slick-index="0">
<div>Globally Title</div>
<div>Globally impact integrated infomediaries via seamless mindshare. </div>
<div class="box col-m-12 col-t-6 col-padding" data-slick-index="1">
<div>Distinctively Title</div>
<div>Distinctively strategize long-term high-impact ideas whereas client-centered leadership skills.</div>

Answer №1

Give this a shot.

  infinite: true,
  speed: 1500,
  dots: false,
  prevArrow: false,
  nextArrow: false

  var slideno = $(this).data('slide');
  $('.item__wrapper').slick('slickGoTo', slideno);
.filter {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  padding: 45px;
  margin-right: -45px;
.item {
  display: none;
  position: relative;
.item.active {
  display: block;
.item1 {
  background-image: url("https://placeimg.com/1000/480/nature");
.item2 {
  background-image: url("https://placeimg.com/640/480/arch");
.item3 {
  background-image: url("https://placeimg.com/640/480/tech");
.item__wrapper {
  max-width: 60%;
  position: relative;
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-color: rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.5);
.item__img img {
  top: 0px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100% !important;
  opacity: 0.5;
.item__text {
  top: 0px;
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100%;
  line-height: 1.4;
  padding-right: 70px;
  z-index: 5;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: top;
  justify-content: center;
.item__boxes {
  display: flex;
  position: relative;
  opacity: 0.9;
.item__boxes > div {
  border: 1px solid;
.col-padding {
  padding: 16px 16px 5px 16px;
.col-m-12 {
  width: 100%;
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
  .col-t-6 {
    width: 50%;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.9.0/slick.min.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.9.0/slick-theme.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.9.0/slick.min.js"></script>

<div class="item__wrapper">
   <div class="item active" id='item1'>
<div class="item__text">
<div class="filter">
<h3>Title One</h3>
<p>Description for title one.</p>
  <div class="item" id="item2" >
        <div class="item__text">
<div class="filter">
<h3>Title Two</h3>
<p>Description for title two.</p>
  <div class="item"  id="item3" >
        <div class="item__text">
<div class="filter">
<h3>Title Three</h3>
<p>Description for title three.</p>

<div class="item__boxes">
     <div class="box col-m-12 col-t-6 col-padding" data-slide="0">
<div>Some Title</div>
<div class="box col-m-12 col-t-6 col-padding" data-slide="1">
<div>Globally Title</div>
<div>More Description</div>
<div class="box col-m-12 col-t-6 col-padding" data-slide="2">
<div>Distinctively Title</div>
<div>Another Description.</div>

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