Using jQuery to position an element above an ID

I'm currently working on a unique portfolio gallery for my website, but I've encountered a problem.

What I'm aiming for is to create a gallery that will slide up when a thumbnail is clicked, without loading all images on the page at once. The layout of the page is structured as follows:

  [  main img   ]
(hidden placeholder)

Here is how the code should function:

  1. Click on a thumbnail to get the SRC attribute
  2. Insert
    <img src="original+_lg.jpg" />
    above the (hidden placeholder) (<div id="placeholder">)
  3. Reduce the margin-top by 500px to slide up the image using CSS3

I attempted to write the script myself, but my jQuery skills are lacking, and the outcome was not satisfactory. I was able to adjust the margin-top value manually, but struggled with implementing it in a loop, which would be more efficient.

The current script I have is:

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#thumb").click(function() {
        return e.replace("slides/thumb_lg.jpg");

As you can see, this is not functioning as intended.

I'm quite disappointed that I couldn't solve this issue on my own, especially since I was able to effectively code jQuery for the home page ().

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

EDIT: Adding a bit more clarity:

It would be ideal for this script to extract the SRC attribute of the clicked thumbnail, remove the last four characters (to eliminate .jpg), append _lg.jpg to display the correct large image, insert the new

<img src="original+_lg.jpg">
above the placeholder div, and then reduce the margin-top by 500px to slide up and reveal the new image. I understand this might be a bit complex, but this approach aligns best with what I'm aiming to achieve.

Answer №1

If you want to add a new image to the DOM before a hidden placeholder, you can utilize the .before() method:

$('#placeholder').before( '<img src="original+_lg.jpg" />' );

After inserting the image, remember to adjust the margin to achieve the desired layout.

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