What is the best way to add a CSS link if a request is not made using AJAX?

My webpage, 'foo.html', retrieves data from a database using AJAX ('ajax.html?options=option1') to populate a table. The table is styled nicely with CSS that is linked to 'foo.html'. However, I also want the ajax.html page to be styled when accessed directly. When I add

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/dev/css/default.css" />
to ajax.html, it inserts the link into foo.html as well, which is not desired. Is there a way to prevent the CSS link code from appearing in the AJAX call or only display on non-AJAX calls?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Answer №1

One solution that comes to mind is to include an extra parameter that specifies the context in which the function is called.

Answer №2

To simplify this task, utilizing jQuery is highly recommended.

Begin by loading the ajax.html page using jQuery.get(). Upon success, execute the following steps:

  • Remove the existing stylesheet:

If you wish to add a new stylesheet at a later point:

var link = $("<link>");
        type: 'text/css',
        rel: 'stylesheet',
        href: 'http://example.com/stylesheet.css'
$("head").append( link );

Alternatively, if you need to modify the stylesheet URL later on:


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