Arrange the DIVs in the identical spot and switch them back and forth

I'm struggling with a dilemma involving two DIVs.

I am looking to have two DIVs positioned in the exact same spot on the page and toggle between them. When one div disappears, the other should appear using jQuery toggle().

The challenge lies in having both DIVs be part of the natural flow of the page and placed in an identical manner. How can I accomplish this?

There is a previous div that occupies space, has relative positioning, and non-fixed sizes depending on window dimensions.

<div class="header">
... </div>

Next, there's my first div:

<div id="galleria" style="height:700px;width:920px; margin:0 auto; border:1px solid green;">
 ... </div>

And then there's my second DIV:

<div id="aboutDiv">
This is ABOUT

Both of these later divs need to occupy the same location on the page. What kind of positioning attributes should I use?

The layout adjusts based on window size due to the flexible "header" DIV, making absolute positioning unfeasible.

Answer №1

simply place them consecutively

<div id="galleria" style="height:700px;width:920px; margin:0 auto; border:1px solid green;   "> ... </div>
<div id="aboutDiv" >
This is ABOUT

both elements should have a relative positioning, when one is hidden the other will move up and they will remain in the same location - assuming you are using toggle to switch between showing one and hiding the other

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, you can utilize a parent container with relatively positioned children that are absolutely positioned. Alternatively, you could choose to hide one element and reveal another once it has completely faded out.

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