How can I use jQuery to identify the numerical range within class/td/div elements and modify their CSS styles?

1# I need assistance in changing the CSS properties of a TD, Class, and div using a selector that specifies a specific number range. Specifically, I am looking to modify the css of torrent results with a seed count between 250-25000. Any torrents with a seed count lower or exceeding this range should have a different css attribute applied. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

References (both do not work as intended):


My code for identifying keywords in titles does not produce desired results:

 1. $( '.blah td:contains("250-25000") ') .css( {"display":"none"} );
 2. $(".blah td:contains(255-25000)").css({'color':'red'});

I want to style this number in CSS Red (250-25000):

<table id="searchResult">
<td align="right">1024</td>

2# Additionally, how can I adjust my code to identify keywords without considering capitalization?

$( '.feed-item-container:contains("Justin Bieber") ') .css( {"display":"none"} );

Answer №1

If you need a case insensitive contains() function in jQuery, you can create one yourself.

jQuery.expr[':'].contains = function(a, i, m) {
   return jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0;

Click here to check out the code on JSFiddle.

To select elements with data between 250 and 25000, you can use the jQuery filter function like this:

var tds=$("td").filter(function() {
        return this;

Check out the sample code on JSFiddle here.

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