What could be causing the blurriness in the image?

I'm having trouble displaying an image below my navigation bar. The image I'm trying to display is located at https://i.sstatic.net/8PUa3.png and has dimensions of 234 x 156 px.

However, the image appears blurry and only a portion of it can be seen. Could this be due to its small size in terms of height/width or some other factor?

Below is the code snippet responsible for displaying the image:

 <div class="flex w-full justify-center">
              src="../images/cars.png" alt= ""
              class= "h-48 w-full object-cover" />

Answer №1

h-48 w-full classes define the size of the image container. It will have a height of 12rem (192px) and a width that matches its parent element.

Within this container, the .object-cover class zooms in on the image (or out if the original image is larger than the container), maintaining the aspect ratio without distortion, covering the container completely at the minimum necessary size.

If the container's aspect ratio matches the image's, no cropping occurs. However, if they do not match, the image will be cropped along the axis where it exceeds the container's bounds.

In cases like yours (assuming the parent's width is fairly large - approximately 1000 - 1200px), the image is enlarged to match the width of the container, and any excess is cropped from the top and bottom.

This enlargement may result in pixelation, especially when the image is scaled up significantly (generally pixelation occurs beyond 2x the original size).

Experiment with different combinations of classes in the demo below:

Answer №2

Imagine you're working with tailwind CSS. Experiment with a specific dimension

 <div class="flex w-full justify-center">
          src="../images/cars.png" alt= ""
          class= "h-48 w-72 object-cover" />

or try using object-contain

     <div class="flex w-full justify-center">
              src="../images/cars.png" alt= ""
              class= "h-48 w-full object-contain" />

this may help in pinpointing the issue to css sizing specifically instead of other potential problems

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