Unusual CSS problem- What's causing this display issue in Google Chrome?

If you take a look at this specific page:

Upon viewing it in Internet Explorer or Firefox, everything appears to be normal. However, when viewed in Chrome, there seems to be some sort of issue present. The navigation area is oddly pushed down, causing the main content area to shift to the right side of the page. Additionally, only a small portion of that area is visible. I am completely puzzled by this situation. Despite my efforts to analyze the code, I cannot seem to identify where the problem lies.

You can access the CSS here:

Any assistance with resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

When you apply width: 960px; or even width: inherit to the content-wrapper div, it appears fine. However, for some reason, webkit does not calculate the width of the div as expected when its overflow is set to hidden.

Does anyone have a clear explanation for this behavior?

Answer №2

All the items in the main menu are set to float:left, causing content to float onto these elements. To prevent further floating, add this code:

<div style="clear: both"></div>

right after the header section.

Additionally, if you are using XHTML 1.0, make sure your HTML is validated as valid XHTML 1.0.

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