What is the best way to adjust the dimensions of a textfield in Vuetify by altering its width and height?

Is there a way to adjust both the width and height of the <v-text-field>tag?

I attempted to modify it using .css, but it seems to only affect certain parameters, leaving large white spaces on my page.

This is the method I have tried so far:

  <v-text-field class="first"></v-text-field>

  .first {
    width: 150px !important;
    height: 350px !important;

Answer №1

If you want to adjust the height of a v-text-field, you don't have to mess with CSS rules. Instead, you can simply utilize the height prop like this:

<v-text-field height="350"></v-text-field>

Just make sure to place your component within the template and not inside a script tag:

  <v-text-field height="350"></v-text-field>

Answer №2

Consider using a container around the v-text-field component and adding any necessary CSS styles.

   <div class="container">

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