Span tag not respecting CSS width property

One of my spans is causing an issue. Here are the styles in question:

.form_container .col1che
float: left; 
width: 4%; 
text-align: left;    

.form_container .col2che
float: left; 
width: 80%; 

.form_container .col3che
float: right; 
width: 13%; 

These 3 spans are included in my code:

<div class="row"><!-- start: "row" -->
     <span class="col1che">        
          <?php  //some db feeds    ?>        
     <span class="col2che">
          <?php  //some db feeds    ?>
     <span class="col3che">
          <?php  //some db feeds    ?>
     <div class="clear"></div>
</div><!-- end: "row" -->

The problem arises when there is no data to display in "COL1CHE" (or possibly any of them, though I am uncertain). In Firefox, this span collapses and its width is not maintained. However, this does not occur in IE.

I have added a "clear" class but it has not resolved the issue.

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

When working with spans, keep in mind that they are inline elements which restrict setting a width directly. To work around this limitation, you can first convert the span to a block element using:


Once it is a block element, you can then set the desired width. Alternatively, you can also use inline-block if you want to maintain some inline properties while still being able to set a width. Interestingly, inline-block even works in older versions of Internet Explorer.


Answer №2

The width attribute is not being recognized due to the nature of the span element being inline. To address this issue, include the following CSS:

display: inline-block;

Depending on your specific scenario, using display: inline-block may be more beneficial than display: block as it prevents any content following the span from wrapping onto a new line.

Answer №3

display: block won't be effective in this situation because once the float property is applied, the element automatically switches to block mode regardless of its initial display setting, so your width should still apply properly.

The issue could potentially be related to the empty <span> tag which may not render due to a specific rule that escapes my memory. To address this, consider preventing your span from being empty by adding a &nbsp; if there's no content present.

Answer №4

For this to function correctly, all you need to do is include the following:

display: block;

In the style section.

Answer №5

Utilizing block for layout along with the option to left float has been beneficial.

display: block;
float: left;

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