Is it possible to create a layout resembling the one shown in the image below by setting the fixed width only on the parent container? I am unable to use
position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0;
on the Full screen width child since it must remain in the flow with dynamic sizing.
I cannot alter the markup.
The best solution I can currently think of is individually setting fixed widths for each Fixed-width child, but this is not ideal given the number of children - requiring a new class for each addition.
Here is an example markup where you can propose a solution:
<div class="fixed-width-container">
<div class="regular-child"></div>
<div class="full-screen-width-child"></div>
<div class="regular-child"></div>
<div class="regular-child"></div>
.fixed-width-container {
width: <some-fixed-width>;