Styling a webpage with a two-row layout using just CSS

I am looking to design a 2-row layout for a webpage where one row will contain filters and the other row will display results. The layout should meet the following criteria:

  • The page height should not exceed 100%
  • The first row's height will vary based on its content, which can be modified by JavaScript functions
  • The second row's height should be the difference between 100% and the height of the first row
  • The "list" div in the second row must have overflow enabled and cannot be moved to the "result" div


<div class="main">
    <div class="filter">
        <div class="filtercontent">
            filter content
    <div class="result">
        <div class="resultcontent">
            <div class="list">
                <div class="listcontent">
                    list content    


.main {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

.filter {
    width: 100%;

.result {
    width: 100%;

.resultcontent {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

.list {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: auto;

.listcontent {
    height: 1000px;
    width: 2000px;

I have experimented with various flexbox configurations but I'm struggling to achieve the desired outcome regarding the placement of the "list" div.

NOTE: I am restricted from using JavaScript to adjust row heights. I am seeking a CSS-only solution. Thank you!

Answer №1

By setting the "flex: 1" property on your .result div, it will expand to occupy all available space within its parent container (.main). This means that if the .filter div is taking up a set amount of vertical space, the .result div will automatically adjust to fill the remaining space, ensuring it takes up 100% of the available height. Whether you are dynamically hiding or adding elements, using flex: 1 ensures that the .result div will always fill any empty space left by other elements.

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you!

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