How can I delete the global styles defined in _app.js for a particular component in Next.js?

While working with NextJs and TailwindCSS, I encountered an issue where all the extra styles in my globals.css file were causing some trouble. Although it is recommended to import it at the top level in the _app, I tried moving it down to the "layout" component initially. However, that resulted in an error prompting me to move it back up, so I reverted it.

The main problem arose when I had a specific component where I needed to exclude all the styles from globals.css and only apply a different set of styles. Is there a way to achieve this? I aim to eliminate unnecessary imports at the top level and instead use a particular stylesheet for that particular component.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, one method is to utilize a not selector within your global CSS styles.

For example, assign the className "no-global-styles" to the component where you do not want the global styles applied.

Then, append the global style selectors with :not(.no-global-styles) selector

:not(.no-global-styles) > a {
     color: black;
     text-decoration: none;
     cursor: pointer;

This will affect all <a> elements except those inside the '.no-global-styles' class, with the latter retaining default or specific styles. Alternatively, you could use the !important flag to override the global CSS styles.

(link for selectors)

(link for :not() tricks)

It may not be the most optimal approach, but if you only have a few styles to exclude, this method should suffice.

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