Create a class for the grandparent element

Is there a way to dynamically add a class to a dropdown menu item when a specific child element is clicked? Here's the HTML structure I have:

<ul id="FirstLevel">
    <li><a href="#">FirstLevel</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">FirstLevel</a>
        <ul class="secondLevel">
            <li><a href="#">SecondLevel</a></li>
                   <ul class="LastLevel">
                         <li><a href="#">LastLevel</a></li>
                         <li><a href="#">LastLevel</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">SecondLevel</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">SecondLevel</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">FirstLevel</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">FirstLevel</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">FirstLevel</a></li>

I am looking for a solution where, on clicking a child element with the class LastLevel or SecondLevel, a class should be added to the parent li element with the class FirstLevel. The previously selected menu state should also be removed in this process.

I attempted to achieve this functionality using jQuery, but it doesn't seem to work as expected. Here's what I tried:

$('#firstUl').find('li').click(function(){ //removing the previous selected menu state $('#firstUl').find('li').removeClass('active'); //is this element from the second level menu? if($(this).closest('ul').hasClass('lastLevel')){ $(this).parents('li').parents('li').addClass('menuActive'); //this is a parent element }else{ $(this).addClass('menuActive'); } }); 

Your insights and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Consider adding a specific class to your FirstLevel list items for easier targeting:

<li class="first-level"><a href="#">FirstLevel</a></li>

Then, you can add a click function to all child list items within the FirstLevel list items:

$('li.first-level li').on('click', function(e) {
  e.preventDefault(); // prevents the link from being followed
  $(this).closest('li.first-level').toggleClass('yourClass') // 

Check out this interactive example on JSFiddle

Answer №2

This code snippet accomplishes all the desired tasks:

$("ul.secondLevel a").click(function () {

Here is the link to test it out:

Answer №3

Below you will find the resolution :

When a click event is triggered on any anchor tag within an li element with the class 'secondLevel', 
the following jQuery function will be executed:
   $('#FirstLevel > li').removeClass('selected');

Answer №4

If you have set an Id for your initial list, you can easily locate the element by using a selector like this:

$(".subLevel a").on("click", function() {
    $("#TopLevel li").toggleClass("updatedStyle");

Answer №5

give it a shot




Answer №6

Yet another response is presented here

const sample = $('li li,li li li')

Check out the jsfiddle example

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