Issue with AnimeJS Motion Path causing element to deviate from desired SVG path

I'm attempting to use an SVG element and the AnimeJS library to make the orange marker follow the course of this RC car race track.

Despite my efforts, I am encountering strange and undesirable outcomes.

At times, I observe the marker following a path that is offset from the course and not in the correct scale. Other times, although the marker is moving, it is not visible but I can see the scrollbars on my page adjusting, indicating its presence and movement.

When inspecting the browser's developer tools, I notice rapid changes in the element's styles - translateX, translateY, and rotate.

The code given shows the marker in motion. In the JSFiddle demo, if you carefully watch and wait for 9.49 seconds for each lap to complete, you may catch a brief glimpse of an orange ball which appears disconnected from the track and not correctly scaled.

What could be causing these issues? How can this functionality be achieved successfully? I am open to exploring alternative libraries or tools to accomplish this task.



<section id="race-event-overview">
    <div class="race-track-map">
        <svg class="race-track" viewBox="0 0 560 350" xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
            stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.5">
            <path class="track"
                d="M648.018 1019s-26.755-194 194-194H2618.98c220.76 0 194 194 194 194v527h-.24s10.84 139-112.49 139-112.49-139-112.49-139h-.24v-286s11.83-148-109.52-148H1413s-81-1.45-81 111c0 0-11.07 108 127... 


#race-event-overview {
    position: relative;
    height: 500px;
    background: #242D33;

    .race-track-map {
        position: absolute;
        top: 75px;
        right: 0;

        svg {
            height: 350px;
            width: 560px;


var path = anime.path('.race-track .track');

    targets: '.race-track .ball',
    translateX: path('x'),
    translateY: path('y'),
    rotate: path('angle'),
    easing: 'linear',
    duration: 9490,
    loop: true

Answer №1

It seems like I may be a bit late to provide assistance for your needs, however:

In summary

The main issue lies in the fact that the transform origin behaves unpredictably in SVGs, and anime.js offers a straightforward solution. To resolve this problem, reposition the animated object (the circle) with attributes cx="0" and cy="0", and eliminate any transformations on the path.

Further details

A very informative article discussing SVG transforms can be found on CSS Tricks. The key takeaway is that all elements within an svg element have their transform origins at the upper left corner of the svg element.

When examining the transformations applied by anime.js to the animated element, you will notice they correspond directly to the values in the path's d attribute. These values represent distances in pixels from the origin (once again, the upper left corner of the svg element), but discrepancies arise when transformations are present. Feel free to explore Removing transforms in SVG files

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