The process of altering the color of a table row in JavaScript can be done after dismissing a pop-up that was triggered by a button within the same row

I am tasked with changing the color of a specific table row based on user interaction. The table consists of multiple rows, each containing a button or image. When the user clicks on one of these buttons or images, a popup appears. Upon successful data submission within the popup, the color of the row where the interaction occurred should change. All elements in the table, including rows and cells, are already assigned IDs and style classes.

To accomplish this, I have attempted several methods:






 var tbl = window.opener.document.getElementById('linesTableId');



Unfortunately, none of the above approaches have been successful in changing the color of the desired row. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in achieving this functionality.

Thank you, Eshwari

Answer №1

Does adding rowID + lineNumber equal the tr? No, this method doesn't seem to be effective. Let's instead search for the <td> element inside.

var id = 5;
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('table .rowId' + id + ' td');
// Iterate through all <td> elements and change their background color
for( var j = 0, length = elements.length; j < length; j++) {
  elements[j].style.background = 'blue';
  <tr class="rowId1">
     <td>row 1</td><td>row 1.1</td>
    <tr class="rowId2">
     <td>row 2</td><td>row 2.1</td>

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