What could be the reason for the excess white space at the top and bottom of the page?

Once I implemented a new div class to incorporate a background image, the top, bottom, and side menus on my page suddenly turned white. style.css

  font-family:"Trebuchet MS"; 


    <div id='boundless' onclick='window.location.href="http://boundlessny.com/clothing"'>

Answer №1

Upon inspection using Firebug, it was determined that the issue stemmed from line 16 in the style.css file:

margin:165px auto 20px;

Steps to debug similar issues:

  1. Identify potential causes and eliminate them one by one.
  2. Utilize Firebug by right-clicking on the problematic area and selecting Inspect Element.
  3. Hover over elements to pinpoint the source of the problem. In this case, suspicion fell on improper margin, padding, or width usage.
  4. Focus on the CSS properties by examining the Style tab in the right panel. Expand nodes if necessary.
  5. Experiment by disabling or modifying the CSS value to determine its impact on the issue.

Answer №2

Within your style.css file, there are multiple instances of #xxxxx with

background-color:white; and background-color:#fff;

For example, #wrapper2 has this defined.

Therefore, it is executing the instructions you provided.

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