Delete the designated column from the table

I am having difficulty with hiding and showing table columns using checkboxes. I need to eliminate the Mars column (in bold) along with its corresponding data (also in bold).

Once the Mars column is removed, I want the Venus column and its data values to be centered in the table.

Check out the example here:

After removing the Mars column, this is the desired output:

This is my CSS and HTML code:

  border:1px solid #000;
  border:1px solid red;
  font-weight:normal !important;

tr.sub-header th{
  text-align:center !important;
   border:1px solid blue !important;
   font-weight:bold !important;

tr.sub-header-value td{
  text-align:center !important;
  font-weight:bold !important;
<table width="80%">
  <tr class="sub-header">
    <th colspan="2">Mars</th>
    <th colspan="2" scope="colgroup">Venus</th>
  <tr class="sub-header-value">
     <td colspan="2">Mars data</td>
    <td colspan="2"> Venus data </td>
   <tr class="sub-header-value">
     <td colspan="2">Mars data</td>
    <td colspan="2">Venus data</td>

<input type="checkbox"> Remove Mars

Answer №1

This method may seem a bit unconventional. To improve its efficiency, consider assigning classes to each individual td element.

Using jQuery here - would you prefer a JavaScript alternative?

  var removed = false;
    if (!removed) {
      $.each($("#t tr"), function(){
        var tds = $(this).find("th, td");
        if (tds.length == 2) {
          $(tds[1]).attr("colspan", "4");
      removed = true;
  border:1px solid #000;
  border:1px solid red;

tr.sub-header th{
  text-align:center !important;
   border:1px solid blue !important;
   font-weight:bold !important;

tr.sub-header-value td{
  text-align:center !important;
  font-weight:bold !important;
<script src=""></script>
<table id="t" width="80%">
  <tr class="sub-header">
    <th colspan="2" >Mars</th>
    <th colspan="2" scope="colgroup">Venus</th>
  <tr class="sub-header-value">
     <td colspan="2">Mars data</td>
    <td colspan="2"> Venus data </td>
   <tr class="sub-header-value">
     <td colspan="2">Mars data</td>
    <td colspan="2">Venus data</td>
<input type="checkbox" id="removeMars"> Remove Mars

Answer №2

Here is the finalized Solution:

  var eliminated = false;
        if(this.checked) {
    if (!eliminated) {
      $.each($("#t tr"), function(){
        var tds = $(this).find("th, td");

        if (tds.length == 2) {
          $(tds[1]).attr("colspan", "4");

      eliminated = true;
         $.each($("#t tr"), function(){
        var tds = $(this).find("th, td");

        if (tds.length == 2) {
          $(tds[1]).attr("colspan", "2");

      eliminated = false;


Access this Fiddle link :

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