When the browser back button is clicked, conceal the current div and reveal the previously hidden div

I'm faced with a situation where my website consists of multiple pages which I've achieved by displaying and hiding divs within a single html file. The issue I'm encountering is that the browser's back and forward buttons aren't functioning as expected due to this method. I'm wondering if there's a way to link these browser buttons to my jQuery show/hide functions. For instance, when clicking the back button in the browser, I want the current div to hide and the previous div to show. Can this be accomplished using just jQuery, HTML, and CSS?

Answer №1

After analyzing your code snippet, it seems like you are attempting to create a functionality where clicking on certain elements triggers navigation between different pages. The script uses the jQuery method .click() to toggle visibility of specific divs representing different pages based on their IDs. By incrementing or decrementing the current page number, the script calculates the target page ID and then shows or hides the corresponding page accordingly.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var page = 1; //current page
  $('#fwd').click(function() {
    var currentPage = "#pg" + page.toString();
    var nextPage = "#pg" + page.toString();
  $('#bck').click(function() {
    var currentPage = "#pg" + page.toString();
    var nextPage = "#pg" + page.toString();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button id="bck">back</button>
<button id="fwd">forward</button>
<div id="pg1"><p>page 1</p></div>
<div id="pg2"><p>page 2</p></div>
<div id="pg3"><p>page 3</p></div>

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