unique HTML elements located inside a text box

I am working on a system that allows users to customize order confirmation emails by replacing placeholders with actual customer data. Currently, we use tags like {customer_name}, but this method can be confusing and prone to errors.

My goal is to create a menu for users to easily insert placeholders as units within the email, similar to any character in a textarea field.

I have considered using tinyMCE and developing a plugin, but I believe this may be excessive for our needs.

If anyone has suggestions or knows of tools that could help with this functionality, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Answer №1

Styling items within a text area can be quite challenging. One workaround could be creating a menu that automatically inserts the tags you are already using.

Alternatively, you could implement a 'preview' section below the textarea. This preview section could dynamically interpret the user's input (triggered by either user action or a dedicated 'preview' button) and make necessary modifications to the tags, such as inserting images or providing clearer visual representations of the shortcode for better user understanding.

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