Transitioning to EM-Based Media Queries

After the recent resolution of the WebKit page-zoom bug, what are the primary benefits of utilizing em-based media queries over pixel-based ones?


I am offering a reward for my question as many prominent CSS frameworks and web developers use em-based media queries, indicating there must be valid reasons for doing so.

The only advantage I know of is that if a user adjusts the default font size in their browser, content will adjust similarly to the problem fixed by the page-zoom fix. Is there data showing people tend to change the default size rather than zoom?

Please Note

To streamline my question, I eliminated two peripheral aspects. The original post provides context for @nwalton's excellent response, which covered all three points I raised.

Answer №1

  1. When it comes to em-based and pixel-based media queries in modern browsers, the difference should be minimal as long as the browser handles zoom correctly. While there may have been issues with em-based queries due to changes in base font size, pixels are generally a safer choice. Update below. Despite this, base font size can still impact functionality.

  2. One potential problem with using the 62.5% technique and rem is compatibility with older browsers. To ensure a fallback for less-capable browsers, setting rem for modern ones could be a solution.

    html { font-size: 62.5%; }
    body { font-size: 14px; font-size: 1.4rem; }
    h1   { font-size: 24px; font-size: 2.4rem; }
  3. The speed at which browsers process px vs em is negligible since CSS calculations occur quickly. Therefore, there's little need to worry about differences in processing times between the two units.

Comparison of Measurement Units


Using px for media queries has been a reliable choice in the past due to its consistency and ability to zoom effectively. Update: However, changes in user default style sheets can disrupt media queries reliant on px.

  • Not affected by CSS cascade
  • Primarily absolute measurement (dependent on how browsers measure font pixels)
  • Easily zoomed in all modern browsers


Ems offer flexibility when creating grids and measurements. With ems, resizing containers and contents proportionally in media queries with one declaration is possible.

  • Responsive to CSS cascade
  • Relative to container font size
  • Zoombale in all modern browsers

In this instance, resizing fonts also adjusts container sizes proportionally.

h1.title {
  font-size: 2em;
  width: 20em;
  background-color: #baff1e;

@media (min-width: 400px) {
  h1 {
    font-size: 2.5em


While not extensively used by me personally, many prefer rem for its relative unit capabilities without as much complexity from the CSS cascade. Sizing elements based on the browser's base font size aligns with web standards and accommodates variations in optimal font sizes among browsers.

  • Not influenced by CSS cascade
  • Relative to base font size
  • Easily zoomable in all modern browsers

Regarding the 62.5% Technique

This longstanding practice appears to have no significant downsides currently. An article from A List Apart back in 2007 showed more reliable font displays across browsers with a base font set at 100% and text sized in em. Contemporary constraints likely make these considerations outdated. Personally, I am hesitant about setting my base font size to 10px, but that's subjective.


Having conducted tests, I now advocate for using em over pixels for media queries:

  1. Changes in user base font size do occur. Threads on Mozilla's support network with thousands of views indicate some users adjust their default font sizes. Supporting these variations seems beneficial.

  2. Ems provide better future adaptability, catering to devices with non-16px optimal default font sizes.

  3. An interactive demonstration was compelling in influencing my preference towards em. Changing default font sizes in browser settings significantly impacts layout accuracy. This level of inconsistency is unsatisfactory.

Answer №2

Although I haven't come across any specific data regarding users who change their base font size, my research led me to websites created by experienced designers. I focused on whether they used px or em for their media queries. While this may not fully answer the question, it adds an intriguing aspect to the conversation.

Notable Figures

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a compilation of individuals and groups who have had a significant impact on web development and responsive design practices.

  • Filament Group: em
  • Luke Wroblewski: em
  • Jeffrey Zeldman: px
  • Chris Coyier: em
  • Ethan Marcotte (aka The Father of Responsive Web Design): px
  • Jason Santa Maria: px
  • Mark Boulton: px
  • Nicholas Gallagher: px

An interesting observation is that Nicholas Gallagher, known for adding the media query line to the HTML5 Boilerplate CSS, uses em in that code, but opts for px on his personal website. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any discussions related to that commit.

Showcase Sites

While the following list may seem random, these sites are worth exploring as they have been developed either partially or entirely by individuals from the aforementioned list.

A notable detail about HTML5 Boilerplate is that its main project's CSS utilizes em, whereas the mobile version adopts px.

Leading Websites

Interestingly, few of the most popular websites globally incorporate media queries. Here are some exceptions:

Final Thoughts

Overall, the debate remains inconclusive.

It appears that both methods yield successful results, with no clear consensus on best practices.

There seems to be a shift towards em among forward-thinking designers, although concrete data is lacking. It's possible that some of the mentioned sites are older and haven't been updated to embrace em-based media queries. Obtaining sufficient data to make a definitive conclusion is challenging.

Nevertheless, the fact that major websites still utilize px suggests that this approach remains technically viable. If there were significant issues, larger sites would likely have addressed them based on user feedback and testing to better serve their audience.

Answer №3

One of the key reasons to implement EM based media queries is to ensure that your website respects the user's chosen font size without compromising the layout.

Avoid setting font-sizes in pixels to give users control over their viewing experience on your site.

This approach prioritizes accessibility and accommodates users who may have adjusted their (base) font size preferences.

Using relative units like EMs prevents layout issues when users customize their font sizes or use browser zoom functions, particularly on mobile devices.

The "62.5% technique" allows for easy implementation of relative font sizes while maintaining accessibility.

By utilizing REM units instead of pixels, you can ensure that your design remains responsive regardless of the user's font settings.

It's important to use min|max-width media queries instead of device-width to create breakpoints based on content rather than device resolutions.

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