Struggling to get the font-weights of the Typography and Button components in the new React with Material-UI to display

In both my previous and most recent React applications, I have the following code snippets:

  h6. Heading

  Primary button

The labels in these code snippets have a font-weight: 500 on both my old and new apps. However, the issue is that while they appear with a "bold appearance" in my previous app and Material-UI demos, in my latest React app they only have a "normal font-weight" and require a font-weight: 550 to display as "bold text".

My most recent React application includes dependencies with an npm version of 6.8.0:

"@material-ui/core": "^3.9.2",
"react": "^16.8.2",

Do you know why this is happening? I have already attempted to render just a Typography and Button component without any container, yet they still show up with a normal font-weight.

Answer №1

It appears you are attempting to utilize h6, which is not yet available on Material UI's stable branch (it will be included in version 4.0.0).

Recommendation 1

To use h6 (and all other typography features in version 4.0.0) temporarily, you can include useNextVariants: true in your MUI theme:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  typography: {
    useNextVariants: true,

Recommendation 2

If you need a quick fix now, consider using variant="title" instead of variant="h6", but keep in mind that this change will need to be updated when transitioning to version 4.0.0. Example code for the quick fix would look like this:

  h6. Heading

The reason why it may have worked in your previous applications could be due to the fact that you were possibly utilizing the "next", rather than the "stable" branch of Material UI.

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