What is the contrast between specifying a MIME type and omitting it?

If I were to write a stylesheet in an HTML document, it's worth noting that since the introduction of HTML5, the type attribute is no longer necessary as text/css has become the default and only possible value:

<style type='text/css'></style>

While specifying a MIME type is not required, are there any scenarios where it should still be specified?

Is there a distinction between specifying it for the <link> or <style> tag?

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='typography.css'>

In practice, it would function either way, but can I leave it out in the <link> tag like I can in the <style> tag, apart from when the href attribute is defined?

Answer №1

Before HTML5, it was necessary to specify whether or not you were using certain elements. If you had an API that required it, then you had to specify them; otherwise, since HTML5, it's not always required.

Whether you decide to specify them or not, it is considered valid in HTML5.


A style tag is specifically designated for the styles of a document. This informs the browser that there are styles present. On the other hand, a link element is used to connect an external resource to the document, whether it be a style sheet or a script (such as JavaScript).


As stated in the provided document,

The HTML Link Element (<link>) specifies relationships between the current document and external resources.

To properly specify, you must declare the MIME type for the linked resource in relation to the current document.

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