Reveal the concealed button with a jQuery click event

I have a simple question that has been elusive to find an answer for on the internet. Can anyone please help?

<input hidden="true"   class="btnsubmit"  id="myaddslide2" onClick="UPCURSLIDE()"  type="button" value="UPDATE"> 
 function showbutton(){}

Is there a way for me to make the hidden button visible when I click on an element or call a specific function?

Answer №1

Utilize the .show() method

function revealButton() {
    $("#myaddslide2").show(); //targeting id directly

See Fiddle Demo

Answer №2

Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

jQuery(document).on("click", "(select a button or element)", function(){

     jQuery('choose an element to show').prop("hidden",false);

Alternatively, you could try something like:

 jQuery(document).on("click", "(select a button or element)", function(){

         jQuery('choose an element to show').show();

Answer №3

function displayButton() {


Answer №4

function displayButton(){

Answer №5

function toggleButton() {

In my opinion, I prefer using CSS and setting display:none.

Answer №6

To display an element using jQuery, you can utilize the show() method.

function showElement(){

For more information, refer to the documentation:

Answer №7

Whenever you select a specific element,


Answer №8

Here are a couple of ways to reveal an element:




Answer №9

The code snippet below demonstrates how to display a button:

function displayButton(){



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