Struggling to resolve a glitch in the mobile navigation that requires attention either through JavaScript or CSS coding

I'm having an issue with a mobile navigation menu I created. It's a simple hamburger icon that, when clicked, opens a fullscreen menu. The problem is that I want to prevent scrolling when the overlay is visible. I tried using this code:

$('body').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()});

However, this doesn't toggle within the click event. How can I make it so that scrolling is disabled when the menu is open and enabled again when the menu is closed? Here's the full script:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(".icon").click(function () {
    $('body').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()});

Answer №1

Check out this helpful link:

Learn how to use jQuery to disable page scrolling programmatically This code is effective

      $('html, body').css({
         overflow: 'hidden',
         height: '100%'
   $('html, body').css({
   overflow: 'auto',
   height: 'auto'});  

Answer №2

 $(document).ready(function () {
  $(".icon").click(function () {
    $('body').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault();});

Would you be willing to give this a shot?

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