Unusual phenomenon of overflow and floating point behavior

HTML and CSS Output Example:

<div id="float_left">
  <div id="without_overflow">

CSS Styling:

      float: left;
      background-color: red; 

View the example here

The above code produces the expected result. However, when overflow:auto or overflow:hidden is added to the second div, the outcome is not what I anticipated.

See the unexpected result here

Can you provide an explanation for this behavior?

Thank you

Answer №1

When certain values of the property overflow are applied, it causes the element to establish a new block formatting context. In this case, a float cannot intersect with another block formatting context, resulting in the entire element being shifted away from the float. This behavior is dictated by the official specifications:

The border box of elements like tables, block-level replaced elements, or those in the normal flow that create a new block formatting context (e.g., elements with an 'overflow' other than 'visible') must not overlap with the margin box of any floats within the same block formatting context. In cases where necessary, implementations should position the element below any preceding floats, but they may also place it adjacent to these floats if there is enough space available.

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