Clickable regions in Internet Explorer 7 that lack a specific width

Is there a way to make the clickable area of links always stretch to the parents container when the parent container does not have a fixed width?

For example, check out this JSFiddle.

In Firefox, the link stretches with the text and the li tag, but in IE7 the clickable area of the link remains small.

Answer №1

One possible remedy is to implement CSS expressions:

#header-modules-list li { width: expression((document.getElementById('header-modules-list').offsetWidth - 6) + 'px'); }

This calculation accounts for any border width discrepancies within the box model.

Answer №2

Consider including the following code snippet:

#header-modulos-lista a { background:#333;display:  block; color: #000; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding: 0 10px; text-decoration: none; zoom:1; position:relative;}

The key modifications are the addition of zoom:1; and position:relative;

If the above solution does not resolve the issue, you might need to adjust your Doctype declaration like so:

<!doctype HTML>

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