What is the best way to format or delete text enclosed in quotation marks within an anchor tag using CSS or JavaScript?

I have encountered an issue with a dynamically generated login form. When I select the 'Forgot Password' option, a new 'Back to Login' message appears along with a separating '|' line. Removing this line is proving challenging due to its location in the display.

Within the parent container of .upme-back-to-login, there lies an <a> tag followed by quote marks containing the unwanted dividing line after the closing </a> tag. Refer to this snapshot from the console:

Hence, my query remains: how can I eliminate or conceal the content exclusively within these quote marks using CSS or JS?

Answer №1

Here is a way to achieve this:

.upme-back-to-login {
.upme-back-to-login a {

This code will adjust the font size of the parent div and hide the pipe, but be cautious as it may also impact the size of the links, which is why I included the font-size for the link specifically.

Answer №2

Here are some steps you can take:

.upme-back-to-login {
  visibility: hidden;
.upme-back-to-login > * {
  visibility: visible;

By following the above code, you can hide and make the unwanted content unselectable without affecting the layout of the page. This way, it will appear as if the content was never there, while still allowing for inherited font sizes in nested elements.

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