Unable to reset disabled styling for CSS select box

My Windows 8 app consists of two pages: Page1.html and Page2.html. Page1 references ui-light.css and page1.css, while Page2 references ui-light.css and page2.css.

In the ui-light.css file, there is a rule defined for the disabled state of select boxes. I have overridden this select box style in page1.css as follows:

       background-clip: padding-box 
       background-color: rgb(45, 44, 44) 
       border-bottom-color: rgba(128, 128, 128,1) 
       border-left-color: rgba(128, 128, 128,1) 
       border-right-color: rgba(128, 128, 128,1) 
       border-top-color: rgba(128, 128, 128,1) 
       color: rgba(128, 128, 128,1) 

While this works correctly on Page1, when navigating to Page2, all select boxes inherit the same style from page1.css. How can I prevent this from happening so that select boxes in page2 continue to use the ui-light.css style?

I've attempted defining the style based on id using !important, but nothing has resolved the issue. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Include CSS only on certain pages without referencing the specific stylesheet page1.css in the header of page2.html

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