Only display one div element when in print mode, hiding all others

My print style CSS code includes the following:

* {

#printableArea {

Initially, I anticipated that this CSS would hide all elements except for the printableArea. Surprisingly, everything on the page became hidden when printed, resulting in a blank page.

I have correctly added this stylesheet to the HEAD section with media="print" specified.

Answer №1

When an element is set to not be displayed, all its children will also remain hidden regardless of their own display properties.

The asterisk * selector matches the <html> element, causing the entire document to disappear from view.

To control visibility more effectively, it's important to target specific elements for hiding.

Answer №2

While your general approach is on the right track, consider using visibility: hidden instead of display: none to ensure that child elements remain visible.

For more information, check out this helpful link: Printing only the contents within a specific <div>

Answer №3

Responding because I stumbled upon this inquiry during my online search

To hide elements, try using the following instead of 'display: none':

* {
  visibility: hidden;
  margin:0; padding:0;

#printableArea * {
  visibility: visible;

reference :

Answer №4

body * {

#printableContent {

It is advisable to use !important for #printableContent if necessary.

Answer №5

If you're having trouble, consider elevating it above everything else. This simple solution resolved the majority of my issues, all I had to do was create a .noprint class and apply it to a few remaining elements.

    position: fixed;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 9999;

    background-color: #ffffff;

Answer №6

Looking to incorporate some JavaScript into your code? Check out this straightforward snippet that works without the need for jQuery:


Answer №7

Enclose all content after the opening body tag within a div element. Prior to this wrapping div, insert a visible item's div.

I encountered a scenario where I needed to create a basic username-password login page. To achieve this, I had to conceal everything on the page except for the semi-transparent sign-in form's backdrop. Upon entering the correct credentials, the form would smoothly animate out, followed by the gradual disappearance of the half-opaque page overlay. Eventually, all hidden elements would become visible, allowing full access to the page's functionalities.

Answer №8

@media print {
    * {
        visibility: hidden;

    /* Reveal element for printing, including its children. */
    .svgContainer, .svgContainer * {
        visibility: initial;

Ensure all child elements are visible as well. Keep in mind that hidden elements can still impact the layout of other elements on the page. To address this, I simply included position: fixed; on .svgContainer elsewhere in my code.

Answer №9

If you're looking for a neat solution, consider the following approach:

* {
    visibility: hidden;

#printableArea {
    visibility: visible;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;

This method ensures that only the #printableArea element will be displayed in the print layout, with all other elements being concealed.

Answer №10

There is a simple solution that can be done in just one line:

Using jQuery

var selector = '';
$(document.head).append($('style').text('*{visibility:hidden}' + selector + '{visibility:visible}'));

Without relying on jQuery

var selector = '';
document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('style'), { innerText: '*{visibility:hidden}' + selector + '{visibility:visible}' });

In both of these examples, make sure to customize the selector variable according to your specific requirements. For instance, you can use div#page:hover or p.class1,p.class2

Answer №11

To easily hide certain elements when printing a page, you can utilize the code snippet provided below. Assign the "hide" class to the specific element you wish to exclude from the printed version.

<style type="text/css" media="print">


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