Display all elements that come before and after the current element

For debugging purposes, I need to output the IDs of all previous images in a check. The issue arises when trying to assign classes to all previous elements using the script below, as the images are not being added to the correct classes.

$(document).on('click', 'img', function() {
   var t=$(this);

To see an example, visit this jsFiddle. When clicking on any image, my goal is to assign the previous images to one class and the next image to another class.

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by utilizing the .map function in jQuery.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to obtain a list of checkbox IDs separated by commas:

var numbers = $(':checkbox').map(function() {
      return this.id;


As a result, you will receive the string, "two,four,six,eight".

Answer №2

The img tags currently do not have any id attributes assigned to them. However, assuming they will have id attributes in the future, you can utilize the map method to retrieve these IDs:

var ids = t.prevAll().removeClass('t2').addClass('t1').map(function(){
      return this.id;


It appears that the images are not being assigned to their proper classes.

If you also want to add a class to the clicked element, you can make use of the addBack method:



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