Unable to render a child div completely opaque using the opacity attribute

I am currently working on a popup feature that, when displayed, will blur the background of the page to a grey color. The .cover element is responsible for this overlay effect. Unfortunately, I am facing issues overriding its default opacity:0.6; property with the use of !important. My objective is to make the inner <div> opaque while keeping the parent element transparent.

Here is the HTML structure:

    <div id="cover">
        <div id="popup">
            <img src="EFTI_POPOVER2.png" alt="endurance films institute" id="pop-img">
            <button id="pop-but" onclick="location.href='http://endurancefilmsti.com/sales/'">
                <span id="#but-span">
            <a id="back" href="#">No Thanks, Continue Shopping</a>
            <a href="#" class="cancel">&times;</a>

For the CSS styling:

#pop-img {
    opacity: 1 !important;

Answer №1

Before you open your .cover, make sure it is closed first. Changing the opacity to 0.6 will affect all child nodes as well. To achieve the desired outcome, you should increase the z-index of #popup.

<div id="cover"></div>
<div id="popup">
    <img src="EFTI_POPOVER2.png" alt="endurance films institute" id="pop-img">
    <button id="pop-but" onclick="location.href='http://endurancefilmsti.com/sales/'">
        <span id="#but-span">
    <a id="back" href="#">No Thanks, Continue Shopping</a>
    <a href="#" class="cancel">&times;</a>

Answer №2

According to the rules, opacity affects not only the element itself but also all its child elements.

Here's an example in pseudo code for elements with less than full opacity:

  1. Create a buffer for a bitmap image.
  2. Copy the content of the element into the bitmap buffer.
  3. Blend the bitmap buffer onto the final destination using the specified opacity level.

It is important to note that the opacity setting is applied as one of the last steps in this process.

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