Trouble arising when implementing media queries alongside jQuery

When the screen size is 768px, I need to trigger the code below by clicking on the next button. However, an issue arises when trying to revert back to the original style after changing the screen size:

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $(".services-information").css("display", "none");
    $("#next").click(function() {
      var mq = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)");
      if (mq.matches) {
        $(".services").css("display", "block");
        $(".personal-detail").css("display", "none");
        $(".personal-detail").css({ "opacity": "0.5", "color": "black" });
        $(".services").css({ "opacity": "1", "color": "#fff" });
      } else {
          $(".personal-detail").css({ "opacity": "0.5", "color": "black" });
          $(".services").css({ "opacity": "1", "color": "#fff" });

Answer №1

The method window.matchMedia() is used to execute a specified CSS media query and compare it with the current window state once. To ensure a responsive design, where code reacts to CSS media query changes as the window size changes, you can utilize the methods and event handlers provided by window.matchMedia().

For more information, visit

To listen for state changes and add event listeners, follow these steps:

// Define the media query handler function
function myCSS_handler(x)
    if (x.matches)
       // Execute this code when the screen width is less than or equal to 767px
       $(".services").css("display", "block");
       $(".personal-detail").css("display", "none");
       $(".personal-detail").css({ "opacity": "0.5", "color": "black" });
       // Execute this code when the screen width is greater than 767px
       $(".personal-detail").css({ "opacity": "0.5", "color": "black" });
       $(".services").css({ "opacity": "1", "color": "#fff" });

// Wait for DOM ready
    $(".services-information").css("display", "none");

    // Call the listener function on button click
        var x = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 767px)")
        myCSS_handler(x) // Call listener function on button press
        x.addListener(myCSS_handler) // Attach listener function on state changes

Alternatively, you can handle CSS based on screen width changes using the window resize function, eliminating the need for media queries. Here's an example approach:

// Function to dynamically adjust CSS based on screen width
function dynamic_CSS()
   // Get the current window width
   var width = $(window).width();

	 if(width <= 767) widthFrom_0_to_767(); 
   else if(width > 767 && width <= 990) widthFrom_767_to_990();
   else if(width > 990 && width <= 1300) widthFrom_990_to_1300();
   else if(width > 1300 && width <= 1600) widthFrom_1300_to_1600();
   else widthFrom_above_1600();

// Example function for screen widths up to 767px
function widthFrom_0_to_767()
   // Additional styling goes here

// Wait for DOM ready
     $(".services-information").css("display", "none");

     // Call the function on button click
         dynamic_CSS(); // Execute the dynamic CSS adjustment function

     // Adjust the CSS upon window resize
         dynamic_CSS(); // Re-adjust the CSS on window resize

Answer №2

To incorporate your logic into a function, you have the flexibility to invoke it whenever the screen size changes or when the user clicks on the next button:

$( document ).ready( function () {
    $( ".billing-information" ).hide();
    $( ".services-information" ).css( "display", "none" );
    $( "#next" ).click( next_button_function );
    $( window ).on( 'resize', next_button_function );

    var next_button_function = function () {
        var mq = window.matchMedia( "(max-width: 767px)" );
        if ( mq.matches ) {
            $( ".services" ).css( "display", "block" );
            $( ".personal-detail" ).css( "display", "none" );
            $( ".personal-detail" ).removeClass( "give-color" );
            $( ".services" ).addClass( "give-color" );
            $( ".personal-detail" ).css( {
                "opacity": "0.5",
                "color": "black"
            } );
            $( ".services" ).css( {
                "opacity": "1",
                "color": "#fff"
            } );
        } else {
            $( ".personal-detail" ).removeClass( "give-color" );
            $( ".services" ).addClass( "give-color" );
            $( ".personal-detail" ).css( {
                "opacity": "0.5",
                "color": "black"
            } );
            $( ".services" ).css( {
                "opacity": "1",
                "color": "#fff"
            } );


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