Ways to enlarge the diameter of the inner circle

I've implemented some CSS with JQuery, as seen in this JSFiddle. However, I'm having trouble increasing the width and height of the green circle to be slightly larger than the gray circle (referred to as the main circle) which is positioned at a lower z-index. My goal is for the progress shown by the green circle to move around the border of the gray circle over time.

The green circle element is defined as:

<div  id='timer'></div>

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

    font-size: 70px !important;
    margin-left: -26px;
    margin-top: -21px;

Answer №2

To achieve a larger circle, adjust the font-size within the #timer division. Keep in mind that the position may still be misaligned due to the bottom circle border affecting the timer's placement. Experiment with adjusting the margin of the #timer element to ensure it aligns perfectly over the button.

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