What is the best way to dynamically update styleUrls or style properties in Angular?

One of my goals is to give users the ability to customize colors and certain styles within my Angular application. I am thinking about creating a structure like this:



  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.style-for-component-1-for-client{clientId}.css'],
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  clientId: string;

  ngOnInit(): void {
    // pseudocode
    clientId = service.fetchClientId() // for example


I'm wondering how I can make this happen. My plan is to have specific css files for each component and assign them dynamically based on the user's id. Is there anyone who can guide me through the process?

Answer №1

To implement different styles based on user selection, you can utilize scss and encapsulate each stylesheet within a unique class. Then, dynamically change the class of the body element according to the user's preference.

Here is an example:


   /* add your dark mode CSS here */


   /* add your light mode CSS here */

In your index.html file:

<body class="lightMode"></body>

By default, the light mode styling will be applied. If you replace the body classes with 'darkMode' in any component, the dark mode styling will take effect.

Add/Remove classes to/from the body tag dynamically:

constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}

    this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'className');

    this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'className');

You can also add/remove classes within components by using a wrapping div with a specific class:


<div [class]="className">
    <!-- your HTML content goes here... -->


   /* green default CSS here */

   /* red default CSS here */

  /* grey default CSS here */


className: string;

changeStyle(class: string){
   this.className = class;

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