"Combining background images with javascript can result in displaying visual elements

Hello! I am in need of assistance with a CSS + Javascript fog effect that I have developed. It is functioning properly on Firefox, Opera, and Chrome but encountering issues on IE and Edge browsers. The effect involves moving two background images within a desktop div using JS, however, Microsoft browsers are displaying strange boxes alongside the textures, which appears to be a side effect. The problem can be observed on the following site:


#fog_one {
background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-x;
background-attachment: fixed, fixed;
background-image: url(/obrazy/marmur.png), url(/obrazy/marmur.png);
background-size: 128% 132%, 110% 128%;
z-index: -2;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;


var fog_one;
function RenderFog()
        var Mil = MonadTimeVar.getMilliSeconds();
        fog_one.style.backgroundPosition = ''.concat(Math.ceil(Mil / 48),
'px ', Math.ceil(Math.sin(Mil / 1024) * Math.sin(Mil / 1240) * 8), 'px',
',', Math.ceil(-Mil / 72), 'px ', Math.ceil(Math.cos(Mil / 920) * 12),
function FogLoaded()
        return setInterval(RenderFog,30);

Is there a solution or workaround for this issue, or could it possibly be an error on my end?

Answer №1

Even the most up-to-date Microsoft browsers cannot handle more complex PNG files that have transparency. It seems like your PNG file is either 24 or 32-bit and does not use a transparency method supported by Microsoft.

It appears that there are partially transparent pixels in your image, while Microsoft requires every pixel to be either a solid color or completely transparent (not partially transparent colored pixels).

You may want to try creating another file as an 8-bit image or explore the 'indexed' option - you can find helpful information on how to do this here:

If you are aiming for a specific effect with fog layers, it might be challenging to achieve it in IE or Edge since each pixel will likely need to be fully opaque or completely transparent. In this case, it could be beneficial to detect an IE browser and opt for a static background instead.

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