Having trouble incorporating custom CSS into my Rails/Bootstrap project

I’m having trouble figuring out what I’m doing wrong. I’ve added custom files and tried to override the existing ones.


@import 'bootstrap-sprockets';
@import 'bootstrap';

 * This manifest file will be compiled into application.css, including all
 * files listed below.
 * You can reference any CSS or SCSS file in this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets,
 * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins by using a relative path.
 * Feel free to add global styles here; they will appear at the end of the
 * compiled file to take precedence over other styles from different files in this directory. It's recommended to create a new
 * file for each style scope.
 *= require_tree .
 *= require_self

Can I simply add another stylesheet?

Answer №1

The solution I found was to include the following line of code in my file:

@import '<replace with filename>'

After making this change, everything started working perfectly.

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