Showing a div with a smooth fade-in effect while switching its display property to inline using jQuery

Currently, I am working on a project that involves implementing a "side pop up". To ensure it doesn't flicker like it does with jQuery's "hide()" method, I want to start by setting the display property to none using CSS. My main question is:

- How can I use jQuery to make the div fade in when changing the display property to "inline"?

Here is an example of my code for demonstration purposes:

I have already attempted the following:

$(".popupContent").fadeIn().css("display", "inline");

However, this only fades in the buttons instead of the entire content.
Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this effect using jQuery or CSS?

If possible, I would prefer the content to slide up from the bottom rather than fade in.

Answer №1

To achieve a fade-in or fade-out effect, you can utilize the transition property.

$(".modalContent").css("display", "inline");


  transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

I trust this information is beneficial to you.

Answer №2

My preferred approach is as follows:

Keep the display:none property in your CSS, and then use this method:

$(".popupContent").css("display", "inline").hide().fadeIn();  // transitions to inline display

If you want to switch it to inline after the fade-in effect, you should utilize the callback function like so:

$(".popupContent").fadeIn(function() {
   $(this).css("display", "inline")

Answer №3

Instead of using .css for your items, I suggest using .fadein. Check out the jsfiddle fork for reference.

Here's an example:


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