What is the method to display HTML code using JavaScript within a span element in a JSP page?

While working on a jsp file, I came across a span tag with the following code:

<span id="divBasicSearchResults" style="height:100%;"></span>

Below is the Javascript function that generates HTML content for this span:

function renderBasicSearchNarrative1(response) {
var html = '';
var i = 0;
var j = 0;

    html += '<table><tr><th colspan="5">Search Results</th></tr>';
    html += '<tr><td><b>#</b></td><td style="min-width:150px;"><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Lat/Long</b></td></tr>';
    html += '<tbody>';

    for(var i =0; i < response.length; i++){
        var result = response[i];
        var resultNum = i+1;            
        if(result.lat>47.33 && result.lat<48.92 && result.lon>9.8 && result.lon<13.46){
            html += "<tr valign=\"top\">";
            html += "<td>" + resultNum + "</td>";

            html += "<td>";
                var new_display_name = result.display_name.replace(/,/g, ",<br />");
                html += new_display_name;               
            html += "</td>";

            html += "<td>" + result.lat + ", " + result.lon + "</td>";
            addmarker(result.lat, result.lon, "map-pointer-icon.png");

            html += "</tr>";
    html += '</tbody></table>';

document.getElementById('divBasicSearchResults').style.display = "";
document.getElementById('divBasicSearchResults').innerHTML = html;

In the above code snippet, I am dynamically generating HTML code to be displayed on the jsp file. However, I am only seeing a part of the generated code in my span tag, which looks like this:

Search Results
#Name   Lat/Long

If anyone has suggestions on how to resolve this issue, please feel free to share. Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems like the issue may be related to the height of your span element. Be sure to review the CSS properties of the parent elements of the span, such as checking for fixed heights and overflow:hidden settings. If these are in place, it could result in your HTML content being rendered correctly within the span but not visible due to lack of space.

In addition, as mentioned by Eric, using a table inside a span is not proper markup. Consider using a div element instead.

Answer №2

In my opinion, using a DIV rather than a SPAN tag would be more suitable for displaying an entire table.

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